In this day and age, the word yoga has come to be associated mostly with bodily contortions and breathing exercises. People prefer yoga asanas to a gym: it is almost a fad. However, there is more to yoga than just keeping a body looking and feeling good. The root of Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word Yuj, meaning ‘to join’. It refers to the union between you (the jivatma) and your Higher Soul (atma) and later, union between you and your Divine Spark (paramatma). Union with the Higher Soul is known as soul-realization, while union with the Divine Spark is called God-realization.

Arhat Yoga

Arhat Yoga

There are different schools of yoga. Some stress a lot on the devotional aspect, some on the service aspect, some on studying the scriptures while others on performing austerities. All routes lead to the same goal. However, the time taken by a practitioner to achieve the goal is different by different paths. And just as no one key can fit all locks, different paths suit individual seekers.
Arhat Yoga is a synthesis of various yogic techniques, including powerful meditations and energy-generating physical and breathing exercises, integrated into a step-by-step system that rapidly and safely accelerates the spiritual development of the practitioner. Arhat, means a perfected one, or a highly evolved being. An Arhat is one who, through diligent practice of yogic techniques and purposeful character-building, has overcome the impurities of desire and will. An Arhat has well developed intuition, advanced mental powers, highly refined emotions and a strong desire to contribute personally to the uplifting of humanity.
This means that in Arhat Yoga, the individual who wishes to pursue the spiritual path need not retreat from the world, their career or their current relationships. In fact, these pursuits are used to help the individual to further develop, through the daily challenges and interactions, as well as difficulties that may occur within the family, in the office, or in the contemporary lifestyle.

Arhat Yoga has been specifically designed to allow the practitioner to maintain their initial religious or philosophic practice. Practitioners may even improve or become more dedicated to their faith through this system of personal and spiritual development. Arhat Yoga is further distinguished by its multi-leveled approach and its focus on purification, character-building and service. All Arhat Yoga practitioners begin at the Preparatory Level, where they learn the basics of spiritual development, as well as the fundamental meditations and breathing exercises, or pranayama, that get their physical and energy bodies ready for the great amount of energy that their practice will generate at the higher levels of Arhat.
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