The human brain is amazing – even so more sophisticated than any existing computer – that it gives people powerful potential.

Exercise for Your Brain

Exercise for Your Brain

To make the most of one’s brain, it needs to be exercised and nurtured like every other part of the human system. Synapses – points of brain connections– have to be created and conserved for the brain to stay alert and healthy throughout adulthood.

Our Guruji focus is on one easy exercise designed to help students improve their grades. The exercise allows the body’s energy centers to “absorb, digest and distribute prana to the different parts of the body.” This exercise partially cleans and energizes the energy centers needed for the brain to function efficiently.
Benefits from the practice of this Exercise are greater psychological stability and also greater ability to regulate the sex drive especially for teenagers” . After performing the simple, yogic exercise, one’s “energy centers and aura are brighter. Prolonged practice of this exercise makes the practitioner, in general, smarter and more psychologically balanced.”
Come and learn this exercise from us…..