Wisdom & Knowledge

Wisdom & Knowledge

Knowledge is the accumulation of facts and data that you have learned about or experienced. Wisdom is the ability to discern and judge which aspects of that knowledge are true, right, lasting, and applicable to your life. Insight is the deepest level of knowing and the most meaningful to your life.

If knowledge is information, wisdom is the understanding and application of that knowledge and insight is the awareness of the underlying essence of a truth.

Sadly we can gain a lifetime of knowledge, yet never see the wisdom in it. We can be wise, but still miss the deeper meaning.

Knowledge is knowing how to manage your money, budgeting, spending, saving. Wisdom is understanding how money impacts the quality of your life and your future.

Knowledge is typically gained through books, research, and delving into facts. Wisdom is defined as “the state of being wise,” which means “having the power of discernment and judging properly as to what is true or right: possessing discernment, judgement, or discretion.”

Knowledge is nothing but the facts known by the person whereas wisdom is the combination of experience and knowledge, with the power of applying them.

Knowledge is knowing which things, practices, people, and pleasures make you happy.

Wisdom is knowing that while those things may bring you pleasure, happiness is not derived from things or situations or people. It’s understanding that happiness comes from within, and that it’s a temporary state of mind.

Knowledge becomes wisdom when we have the ability to assimilate and apply this knowledge to make the right decisions. … People who are wise know when what they are doing makes sense, but also when it will not be good enough. Ironically, it is exactly this kind of self-knowledge that pushes them to do something about it.